

Code Generator for Playmaker creates custom Actions to access BGDatabase data (many fields are supported, but not all the fields)

Apart from Code Generation, you can use Playmaker's GetProperty and SetProperty actions with Generated MonoBehaviour to get/set any property from GameObject, hooked up to database.

Supported custom actions

With custom actions you have full control over database data - you can select/add/update/delete rows. Custom actions are generated for each table
# Action Description
1 GetByIndex Retrieve field values from database by row's (physical) index. This is the best method to use inside for-each loop
2 GetById Retrieve field values from database by row's id.
3 GetByName Retrieve field values from database by row's name.
4 SetByIndex Set field values to database by row's index.
5 SetById Set field values to database by row's id.
6 SetByName Set field values to database by row's name.
7 Count Retrieve total number of rows
8 Create Create a new row
9 Delete Delete a row by its index
10 GetByKey For each key a separate node is generated. This node allows to get row(s) using key's fields values
11 FindByIndex For each index a separate node is generated. This node allows to get row(s) by using between operator, accepting min and max values.

Supported fields

Database Field Playmaker Field Comments
int FsmInt
float FsmFloat
bool FsmBool
string FsmString
color FsmColor
rect FsmRect
vector2 FsmVector2
vector3 FsmVector3
quaternion FsmQuaternion
enum FsmEnum
enumShort FsmEnum
enumByte FsmEnum
relationSingle FsmInt Playmakers int field stores the index of related row, or -1 if field is not set
relationMultiple FsmArray[int] Playmakers int array field stores the related rows array of indices
nested FsmArray[int] Just like relationMultiple, but read only
objectReference BGWithId Readonly. BGWithId is Unity component(Object)
objectListReference FsmArray[Object]
GameObject FsmGameObject Prefab asset, field is readonly
Object FsmObject Any Unity asset, field is readonly
Material FsmMaterial Unity material asset, field is readonly
Texture FsmTexture Unity texture asset, field is readonly
AudioClip FsmObject Unity audio asset, field is readonly
Font FsmObject Unity font asset, field is readonly
Texture2D FsmObject Unity texture2D asset, field is readonly
Sprite FsmObject Unity sprite asset, field is readonly
Sprite[] FsmArray Unity sprite array asset, field is readonly
List<bool> FsmArray List of bool. [ArrayEditor(VariableType.Bool)] attribute is added to Playmaker var
List<int> FsmArray List of integers. [ArrayEditor(VariableType.Int)] attribute is added to Playmaker var
List<float> FsmArray List of floats. [ArrayEditor(VariableType.Float)] attribute is added to Playmaker var
List<string> FsmArray List of strings. [ArrayEditor(VariableType.String)] attribute is added to Playmaker var
List<Color> FsmArray List of colors. [ArrayEditor(VariableType.Color)] attribute is added to Playmaker var
List<Vector2> FsmArray List of vector2 values. [ArrayEditor(VariableType.Vector2)] attribute is added to Playmaker var
List<Vector3> FsmArray List of vector3 values. [ArrayEditor(VariableType.Vector3)] attribute is added to Playmaker var

If field type is not supported, it will be omitted

How to generate actions

Open BGDatabase window Window->BGDatabase

Select Settings tab, and choose Playmaker

Fill parameters and press Generate button

Once you chose your naming scheme package + Classes name prefix/Field name prefix and used your generated actions in PLaymaker's state machines, you should not change these settings, otherwise the references to these actions will be lost. The same applies to tables/fields names.


  1. If you plan to use Addressables system - avoid using [ and ] symbols in your folders names, cause these symbols interfere with Addressables naming convention


Parameter name Description
Code Generator Class to use for code generation (use the default one)
Source file Source file to use for generated C# classes (actions). All classes will be put into one single .cs file, which should be under your project folder
Package Package (C# namespace) for generated classes. For example MySpace. You can safely leave this setting blank.
Class names prefix Prefix to use for each class name. So if you use P_ prefix, the final class (action) name for MyTable table and GetById action will be P_MyTableGetById. We have multiple code generators, so using different prefixes for different code generators helps to differentiate generated classes and avoid naming collisions
Field names prefix Prefix to use for each generated property name. So if you use f_ prefix, the final name for intField field will be f_intField. You can safely leave this setting blank.
Action category Playmaker's action category to put all generated classes (actions) in. Default is BansheeGz


Link Description
BGDatabasePlaymakerMin.cs Minimalistic example with single table and single name field
BGDatabasePlaymakerMax.cs Single table with all supported fields.

Additional downloads

  1. Custom actions to support SaveLoad addon is available for download here
  2. Custom action to support unity assets loading from Addressables system is available for download here