Code Examples


This page shows how to use basic C# API

You can copy examples below to Start() method of some MonoBehaviour class, run it and review the results.

  1. Code generation greatly simplify the code below (highly recommended)
  2. There are also example projects, which can be downloaded from Downloads page

Import dependencies

using BansheeGz.BGDatabase;

Working with database structure

        //number of tables
        int numberOfTables = BGRepo.I.CountMeta;

        //print table names
        BGRepo.I.ForEachMeta(meta => print(meta.Name));

        //create new table
        BGMetaEntity newTable = new BGMetaRow(BGRepo.I, "NewTable");

        //create new field
        BGField newField = new BGFieldInt(newTable, "NewField");

        //number of columns (fields) for table "Table"
        int numberOfFields = BGRepo.I["NewTable"].CountFields;

        //print field names for table "NewTable"
        BGRepo.I["NewTable"].ForEachField(field => print(field.Name));

        //type of field "Field" from Table "NewTable" (Int32)
        Type fieldType = BGRepo.I["NewTable"].GetField("NewField").ValueType;

Working with data (basic usage)

        //get reference to table NewTable
        BGMetaEntity table = BGRepo.I["NewTable"];

        //create new row
        BGEntity row = table.NewEntity();

        //get a row by index (row.Index=0)
        BGEntity firstRow = table.GetEntity(row.Index);

        //get a row by ID (alternative)
        firstRow = table.GetEntity(row.Id);

        //read "NewField" field value (first row)
        int firstRowNewFieldValue = firstRow.Get<int>("NewField");

        //write "NewField" field value (first row)
        firstRow.Set<int>("NewField", 7);

Working with data (more details)

        //populate new table with 10 records
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) newTable.NewEntity().Name ="Entity #" + i;

        //number of rows for table "NewTable"
        int numberOfRows = BGRepo.I["NewTable"].CountEntities;

        //find entities, which names contains '5'
        List<BGEntity> entities = newTable.FindEntities(
                entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1);

        //find entities, which names contains '5' and sort them by NewField
        List<BGEntity> entities2 = newTable.FindEntities(
                entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1, null,
                (e1, e2) => e1.Get<int>("NewField").CompareTo(e2.Get<int>("NewField")));

        //the same as above, (faster version)
        BGField<int> fieldWithType = (BGField<int>) BGRepo.I["NewTable"].GetField("NewField");
        List<BGEntity> entities3 = newTable.FindEntities(
                entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1, null,
                (e1, e2) => fieldWithType[e1.Index].CompareTo(fieldWithType[e2.Index]));

        //the same as above with code generation, (faster and better version)
        //List<NewTable> entities4 = NewTable.FindEntities(
        //        entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1, null,
        //       (e1, e2) => e1.NewField.CompareTo(e2.NewField));

        //print all entities names
        newTable.ForEachEntity(entity => print(entity.Name));

        //print all entities names, which contains "5"
        newTable.ForEachEntity(entity => print(entity.Name),
                entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1 );

        // query new table and increase NewField by 1, for each NewField value which is lesser than 5,
        // iteration is sorted by NewField
        newTable.ForEachEntity(entity =>
            entity.Set("NewField", entity.Get<int>("NewField") + 1);
        },  entity => entity.Get<int>("NewField") < 5,
           (e1, e2) => e1.Get<int>("NewField").CompareTo(e2.Get<int>("NewField")));

        //the same as above (faster version)
        BGField<int> fieldWithType2 = (BGField<int>) BGRepo.I["NewTable"].GetField("NewField");
        newTable.ForEachEntity(entity =>
            var val = fieldWithType2[entity.Index] + 1;
            fieldWithType2[entity.Index] = val;
        }, entity => fieldWithType2[entity.Index] < 5,
           (e1, e2) => fieldWithType2[e1.Index].CompareTo(fieldWithType2[e2.Index]));

        //the same as above (version with code generation, faster and better)
        // NewTable.ForEachEntity(entity => entity.NewField++, entity => entity.NewField < 5,
        //    (e1, e2) => e1.NewField.CompareTo(e2.NewField));
What to read next:
  1. Code generation for extension classes