This page shows how to use basic C# API
You can copy examples below to Start() method of some MonoBehaviour class, run it and review the results.
- Code generation greatly simplify the code below (highly recommended)
- There are also example projects, which can be downloaded from Downloads page
Import dependencies
using BansheeGz.BGDatabase;
Working with database structure
//number of tables
int numberOfTables = BGRepo.I.CountMeta;
//print table names
BGRepo.I.ForEachMeta(meta => print(meta.Name));
//create new table
BGMetaEntity newTable = new BGMetaRow(BGRepo.I, "NewTable");
//create new field
BGField newField = new BGFieldInt(newTable, "NewField");
//number of columns (fields) for table "Table"
int numberOfFields = BGRepo.I["NewTable"].CountFields;
//print field names for table "NewTable"
BGRepo.I["NewTable"].ForEachField(field => print(field.Name));
//type of field "Field" from Table "NewTable" (Int32)
Type fieldType = BGRepo.I["NewTable"].GetField("NewField").ValueType;
Working with data (basic usage)
//get reference to table NewTable
BGMetaEntity table = BGRepo.I["NewTable"];
//create new row
BGEntity row = table.NewEntity();
//get a row by index (row.Index=0)
BGEntity firstRow = table.GetEntity(row.Index);
//get a row by ID (alternative)
firstRow = table.GetEntity(row.Id);
//read "NewField" field value (first row)
int firstRowNewFieldValue = firstRow.Get<int>("NewField");
//write "NewField" field value (first row)
firstRow.Set<int>("NewField", 7);
Working with data (more details)
//populate new table with 10 records
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) newTable.NewEntity().Name ="Entity #" + i;
//number of rows for table "NewTable"
int numberOfRows = BGRepo.I["NewTable"].CountEntities;
//find entities, which names contains '5'
List<BGEntity> entities = newTable.FindEntities(
entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1);
//find entities, which names contains '5' and sort them by NewField
List<BGEntity> entities2 = newTable.FindEntities(
entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1, null,
(e1, e2) => e1.Get<int>("NewField").CompareTo(e2.Get<int>("NewField")));
//the same as above, (faster version)
BGField<int> fieldWithType = (BGField<int>) BGRepo.I["NewTable"].GetField("NewField");
List<BGEntity> entities3 = newTable.FindEntities(
entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1, null,
(e1, e2) => fieldWithType[e1.Index].CompareTo(fieldWithType[e2.Index]));
//the same as above with code generation, (faster and better version)
//List<NewTable> entities4 = NewTable.FindEntities(
// entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1, null,
// (e1, e2) => e1.NewField.CompareTo(e2.NewField));
//print all entities names
newTable.ForEachEntity(entity => print(entity.Name));
//print all entities names, which contains "5"
newTable.ForEachEntity(entity => print(entity.Name),
entity => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Name) && entity.Name.IndexOf('5') != -1 );
// query new table and increase NewField by 1, for each NewField value which is lesser than 5,
// iteration is sorted by NewField
newTable.ForEachEntity(entity =>
entity.Set("NewField", entity.Get<int>("NewField") + 1);
}, entity => entity.Get<int>("NewField") < 5,
(e1, e2) => e1.Get<int>("NewField").CompareTo(e2.Get<int>("NewField")));
//the same as above (faster version)
BGField<int> fieldWithType2 = (BGField<int>) BGRepo.I["NewTable"].GetField("NewField");
newTable.ForEachEntity(entity =>
var val = fieldWithType2[entity.Index] + 1;
fieldWithType2[entity.Index] = val;
}, entity => fieldWithType2[entity.Index] < 5,
(e1, e2) => fieldWithType2[e1.Index].CompareTo(fieldWithType2[e2.Index]));
//the same as above (version with code generation, faster and better)
// NewTable.ForEachEntity(entity => entity.NewField++, entity => entity.NewField < 5,
// (e1, e2) => e1.NewField.CompareTo(e2.NewField));
What to read next:
- Code generation for extension classes