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This article lists available GUI tools for tables, fields and rows

Tables (metas)

Location Description
Adding and deleting a table
Reorder tables. Tool reorders tables by changing their physical indexes
Convert ROW to NESTED. Available only for ROW tables. Convert ROW tables to NESTED tables while keeping all IDs intact
Convert NESTED to ROW. Available only for NESTED tables. Convert NESTED tables to ROW tables while keeping all IDs intact
Clear entity names. Clear all values for the name field
Duplicate. Creates a copy of the table, optionally copies all the rows as well
Data extraction wizard. Retrieves the fields from C# class/struct and add them to the table

Fields (columns)

Location Description
Add a field
Delete a field
Copy id to clipboard. Alternatives- click on id button or press Ctrl while hovering over "M" button
Change field type. For most of the fields, the values will be lost
Assign a custom formatter. Custom formatter is a C# class, providing a string value for the field while exporting/importing to string-based formats, like Excel/Google Sheets, CSV and JSON. The formatter should implement BGStringFormatter<T> interface, where T is field type. For JSON format there is an additional setting "Use custom formatters for JSON format", which must be turned on under Settings addon
Assign a custom button text provider. Button text provider is a C# class, providing a custom string for the button text for the fields, which uses a button to display its value(relations primarily). For more information, read this article
Field's settings. Some fields, like enum or Unity asset fields have additional settings, which can be access via gear icon
Reorder fields. Select fields by using "S" column, then move them up or down using up and down arrows under "Selected" button groups
Change field type for all selected rows
Delete selected fields. Delete several selected fields

Entities (rows)

Location Description
Add a row
Delete a row
Batch insert: Add several rows
Batch delete: Delete several rows
Batch update: Modify single field values for multiple rows
Batch copy: Copy values from one field to another field for multiple rows
Sort rows: Sort rows by field(s) values
Assets to row: Scans Unity assets with provided type under Resources folder, create a row for each asset and assign unity asset field value to existing asset
Clear field value: clear one single field values for all/selected rows
Copy/move rows between tables: copy or move all/selected rows from one table to another
Prefabs tools/Manage database components: iterate database rows and for selected prefab field adds/removes database component (BGEntityGo or generated class) to referenced prefabs
Prefabs tools/Scan opened scene prefabs: scans all prefabs in opened scene and adds database row (if it does not exist already) for each such prefab and assigns prefab field value to existing prefab
Scan scriptable objects: Scans scriptable objects with BGDatabaseEntityId field and add database rows for each scriptable object
Columns presets: manage hidden/pinned columns and columns order
Advanced filter: tree-based filter for filtering rows out
Copy id: Copy id value to clipboard. Alternatives- click on id button or press Ctrl while hovering over "M" button
Edit in popup window: opens separate window to edit row's values
Insert before/after: insert new row before or after current row
Move up/down, move/swap : change row's physical index
Copy/paste a row: copy current row and paste it as new row
Duplicate a row: duplicate current row
Add BGEntityGo component: Add BGEntityGo component to selected Game Objects and assign BGEntityGo.Entity property to the current row
Add BGDataBinderGo component: Add BGDataBinderGo component to selected Game Objects and assign BGDataBinderGo.Entity property to the current row
Add generated MonoBehaviour component: Add generated MonoBehaviour component to selected Game Objects and assign BGEntityGo.Entity property to the current row

Custom tools

in most cases, the database works in Unity Editor the same way as it works in runtime, so you can create your own custom tools. Read more about creating your own tools. You can put your tools in database GUI if you want to.

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