
← Back Colorization

Colorization allows to colorize cells for better visual feedback


Current implementation uses semi-transparent textures, drawn on top of the cells. This approach limits the color choices drastically. Use the color with alpha value around 15-30

How to enable

Select "Settings->Preferences", turn on the "Colorization" parameter, click on "Open setting" to open Colorization settings. Changes are not saved automatically, after making changes, press on "Save" button to save the settings or "Reload" to revert

How to color table names

Under "Metas" tab, select a table, select "Solid color" and select a color to color table name

How to color field cells

Under "Fields" tab, select a target field and select color mode and color

How to color row cells

Under "Entities" tab, select table, select color mode and color

Available coloring modes for fields (columns) and entities (rows)
Mode Description
Solid color Single color for all cells (fields only)
Enum value based Based on enum field value. One color per each enum constant
Single relation value based Based on singleRelation field value. One color per each related entity
Code C# class instance can be used to determine the color. C# class should implement BGCellColorProvider interface.
Graph Use graph tool to determine the color.
Graph tool example
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