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Code explanation

Some non relevant code is omitted.

  1. BGCollectable.cs- This script is attached to every collectable object. This script is hooked to a database by extending from BGM_Collectable class (generated by code generator), which in turn is extended from BGEntityGo- our component we use to connect GameObjects to database. When new collectable object is spawned in the scene by BGSpawner.cs, Entity field is assigned- and object become linked to a particular table row.
    This script has 4 tasks:
    1. Show gold amount on the TextMesh component. This is done by this code Text.text = "Gold:" + m_gold;. m_gold field reads/write data from/to database
    2. Add some gold to the player
    3. Play sound effect when object's collected.
    4. Remove the object when it's collected from scene and from database.
    public class BGCollectable : BGM_Collectable
        //this callback is called then connected entity is changed
        public override void EntityChanged()
            Text.text = "Gold:" + m_gold;
        private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                var player = other.GetComponent<BGPlayer>();
                //add gold
                player.m_gold += m_gold;
                //play sound
                var audioSource = player.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
                audioSource.clip = m_type.f_audio;
                //remove from database & scene
  2. BGGoToScene.cs- this script is attached to a portal to another scene. When the player collides with this portal, he's moved to another scene. This script is also hooked up to a database, namely to Scene row, pointing to a scene to load. When the player collides with this object, script read data about this scene from database, updates Player table with position and rotation from Scene table and loads target scene.
    public class BGGoToScene : BGM_Scene
        private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                //get reference to player
                var player = other.GetComponent<BGPlayer>();
                //set player position & rotation to scene's spawn position & rotation
                player.m_position = m_spawnPosition;
                player.m_rotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_spawnRotation);
                //load the scene
  3. BGSpawner.cs- this script fills database with new objects and also spawn them to the scene. It hooked up to Scene table. It uses database events, to find the moment all objects are collected.
    public class BGSpawner :BGM_Scene
        public override void  Start()
            //use database events to keep track the moment, when all collectables are gathered
            BGRepo.I.Events.AddAnyEntityDeletedListener(BGE_Collectable.MetaDefault.Id, CheckForNewSpawns);
        public override void OnDestroy()
            BGRepo.I.Events.RemoveAnyEntityDeletedListener(BGE_Collectable.MetaDefault.Id, CheckForNewSpawns);
        //spawn unity's gameobjects - corresponding to Repo objects
        private void Spawn()
            //fetch collectables from database
            var collectables = m_Collectable;
            //no collectables- no luck
            if (BGUtil.IsEmpty(collectables)) return;
            //spawn collectables objects
            foreach (BGEntity collectable in collectables)
                //create collectable GameObject
                var newCollectable = Instantiate(collectable.f_type.f_prefab,
                    collectable.f_position, Quaternion.identity);
                //we know - collectable prefab has BGCollectable script attached
                // so hook it up to table's row
                newCollectable.GetComponent<BGCollectable>().Entity = collectable;
        //This method create new collectables randomly for all scenes if all objects are collected
        public void CheckForNewSpawns(object sender, BGEventArgsAnyEntity args)
            //there are still some collectables
            if (BGE_Collectable.CountEntities > 0) return;
            //ok, we gathered all objects- lets spawn new ones
            BGE_Scene.ForEachEntity(scene =>
                //number of collectables for one scene
                var count = Random.Range(3, 6);
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    //nested meta has utility method, which auto assign new collectable to owner entity (scene)
                    var newCollectable = BGE_Collectable.NewEntity(scene);
                    //set gold
                    newCollectable.f_gold = Random.Range(1, 10);
                    //bounds determines scene's frontiers
                    var bounds = scene.f_bounds;
                    //set position
                    newCollectable.f_position = new Vector3(Random.Range(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.x),
              , Random.Range(bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z));
                    //set type
                    newCollectable.f_type = BGE_CollectableType.GetEntity(Random.Range(0, BGE_CollectableType.CountEntities));
            //spawn GameObjects for current scene
  4. BGPlayer.cs- this script is attached to the player and hooked up to a first row of Player table via extending from BGM_Player.
    1. It initializes its position and rotation from database in the Start method
    2. It implements BGAddonSaveLoad.BeforeSaveReciever interface to ensure OnBeforeSave method is called before saving. In this method it saves its own position and amount of gold to the database, so while saving those values will be put to the save file.
    public class BGPlayer : BGM_Player, BGAddonSaveLoad.BeforeSaveReciever
        public override void Start()
            //get pos and rotation from the table
            transform.position = m_position;
            transform.rotation = m_rotation;
        //this method is called before saving
        void BGAddonSaveLoad.BeforeSaveReciever.OnBeforeSave()
            //save current position, rotation and scene to the database
            m_position = transform.position;
            m_rotation = transform.rotation;
            m_scene = BGE_Scene.FindEntity(scene => string.Equals(scene.Name, SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name));
  5. BGSavingLoading.cs It Provides Save/Load functions via SaveLoad addon. More information about Save/Load addon can be found here
    public class BGSavingLoading : MonoBehaviour
        //... some code is omitted
        public void Save()
            var bytes = BGRepo.I.Addons.Get<BGAddonSaveLoad>().Save();
            File.WriteAllBytes(SaveFilePath, bytes);
        public void Load()
            if (!HasSavedFile) return;
            var content = File.ReadAllBytes(SaveFilePath);
            //load saved scene
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