Unity provides standard spline asset,
use BGCurve only if Unity spline misses some feature
Splitter Polyline [Component]
Provides a set of points for constructing polyline from a curve. Use Positions property to obtains array of positions and Points property to obtain the struct which holds position, distance and tangent. This component does not generate or change anything - its sole purpose is to provide array of positions/points.
The mode for splitting a spline. 1) PartsTotal - use specified number parts for whole spline. 2) PartsPerSection - use specified number parts for each section (between 2 points) 3) UseMathData -use data, precalculated by Math component. Note, you can tweak some params at Math as well
The number of splits for TotalSections mode. The actual number of parts can be less than partsTotal due to optimization, but never more.
The number of splits for PartSections mode. The actual number of parts can be less than partsPerSection due to optimization, but never more.
Split straight lines. Straight lines are optimized by default and are not split, but you can override it with this parameter.
Calculates local positions instead of world ones. This will slow things down.
This component supports handles in Scene View. Enable this flag to show handles. Handles are not interactive.
Adjust spheres scale. Each sphere represent one point of the polyline.
Set spheres color.
The number of first N points (spheres) to show. The number is restricted for performance reason.