Amazon Translate


  1. Download and install this plugin
  2. Go to Configuration->Locale and add field of type string, named "amazonLanguage"
  3. Get an API key and Secret Key for Amazon Translate as described here or read this blog post (Generate access keys for programmatic access)
  4. Go to Settings->Translation, and paste your keys
  5. Go to Database->Localization and for each locale fill "amazonLanguage" field with the right language
  6. Choose any table with "localization" (Locale) or "localizationSingleValue" (Locale-S) types and string/text field type. Click on Setup and choose Amazon as translation service. Choose your source language and destination languages.
  7. Click "Run" to translate several rows. Click T↑ to translate one row to all locales. Click T↓ to translate current row to one locale

Known issues

Currently, Amazon service does not produce any error if set up is wrong. If you have any issue with setup, please, contact our support.